$CABO Cable One ranked positive on May 19th 2021

Smart Insider $CABO Cable One ranked positive on May 19th 2021

$CABO Cable One ranked positive on May 19th 2021

Cable One (CABO, +1, May 19th) – Steven Cochran (CFO since 2018) purchased $1 million of stock on the 17th May at $1725.83, increasing his holding by 29%. His previous two buys were well timed at $873 in Nov 2018 and $1221 in March 2020 and this trade is approx. 3x the size of either these earlier trades. His last trade was the sale of $848,000 of stock at $1902 in Nov 2020 which proved to be well timed. This reversal and large purchase of stock is very notable. We are ranking the stock +1.

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