$TCBI Texas Capital Bancshares ranked positive on April 28th 2021

Smart Insider $TCBI Texas Capital Bancshares ranked positive on April 28th 2021

$TCBI Texas Capital Bancshares ranked positive on April 28th 2021

Texas Capital Bancshares – (TCBI, +N) – Robert Stallings (Non-Executive since 2001) purchased $325,000 of stock on the 23rd April at $64.98, increasing his stake by 33%. Despite his long tenure he has only bought stock twice before in the company, in October and November 2020 at $43.66 and $52.65 respectively. We ranked the stock +N as a result of his November trade which performed very strongly. His previous purchases were either direct or for his 401k plan, whilst this latest trade is indirect and for SCG Ventures where he is General Partner. Nevertheless given his recent record and that he is buying into strength we are ranking the stock +N.

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